80s Fashion: A Bold and Bold Decade

The 1980s was a decade of excess and boldness in fashion. From the big hair and shoulder pads of power dressing to the neon colors and leg warmers of aerobics attire //www.fashionlob.ca/ , 80s fashion was all about making a statement.

Some of the most iconic 80s fashion trends include:

  • Big hair: Big, voluminous hair was a must-have for both men and women in the 80s. Hair was often teased and styled with perms and crimping irons to achieve the biggest possible look.
  • Shoulder pads: Shoulder pads were another defining trend of the 80s. They were worn in everything from blazers and dresses to sweaters and jackets. Shoulder pads were meant to create a powerful and confident silhouette.
  • Neon colors: Neon colors were everywhere in the 80s, from clothing to accessories to makeup. Popular neon colors included pink, green, yellow, and blue.
  • Leg warmers: Leg warmers were worn both men and women in the 80s, often with leggings and aerobics shorts. Leg warmers were meant to keep the legs warm during workouts, but they quickly became a fashion statement as well.
  • Other popular 80s fashion trends include:
    • Oversized blazers
    • High-waisted jeans
    • Leggings
    • Acid-washed jeans
    • Crop tops
    • Scrunchies
    • Headbands
    • Sunglasses with big frames
    • Chunky jewelry

80s fashion was also influenced the music and TV shows of the era. Pop stars like Madonna and Michael Jackson were known for their bold and flamboyant style, and TV shows like “Dynasty” and “Dallas” popularized the power suit look.

Today, many 80s fashion //www.womenbasics.ca/ trends are making a comeback. Big hair, neon colors, and shoulder pads are all popular again, and celebrities like Rihanna and Miley Cyrus are often seen wearing 80s-inspired outfits.

Here are a few tips for styling 80s fashion in a modern way:

  • Choose one or two 80s trends to incorporate into your outfit. Don’t try to wear everything at once, or you’ll end up looking like you’re stuck in a time warp.
  • Mix and match 80s trends with modern pieces. For example, you could pair an oversized blazer with skinny jeans and a crop top.
  • Accessorize with 80s-inspired jewelry and sunglasses. This is a great way to add a touch of 80s flair to your outfit without going overboard.

So don’t be afraid to embrace your inner 80s fashionista! With a few simple tips, you can easily rock 80s trends in a modern and stylish way.