SPTH: Spain Travel Health Form

The Spain Travel Health Form (SPTH) is a mandatory online Bajatraveler.net health declaration form that all travelers to Spain must complete and submit before boarding their flight or ship. The form is used to collect information about the traveler’s health status and travel history, which is used to help identify and mitigate the risk of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

How to fill out the SPTH form

To fill out the SPTH form, travelers will need to provide the following information:

  • Personal information, such as name, date of birth, nationality, and passport number
  • Travel information, such as flight or ship number, arrival date and time, and accommodation address
  • Health information, such as vaccination status, recent COVID-19 test results, and any pre-existing medical conditions

Travelers can fill out the SPTH form up to 48 hours before their departure to Spain. Once the form is submitted, travelers will receive a QR code email. This QR code must be shown to airline or port personnel before boarding.

Who is required to complete the SPTH form?

All travelers to Spain, regardless of age or nationality, are required to complete the SPTH form. This includes travelers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.


There are a few exemptions to the SPTH requirement:

  • Children under the age of 12
  • Passengers in transit through Spain
  • Passengers arriving from Andorra, Portugal, and France
  • Passengers with a valid COVID-19 Recovery Certificate

Consequences of failing to complete the SPTH form

Travelers who fail to complete the SPTH form may be denied entry to Spain. They may also be subject to a fine of up to 600 euros.

Tips for completing the SPTH form

Here are a few tips for completing the SPTH form:

  • Fill out the form as soon as possible after booking your travel.
  • Be sure to have your passport and flight or ship information on hand.
  • Answer all of the questions accurately and honestly.
  • Double-check your information before submitting the form.
  • Print out a copy of your QR code or save it to your phone.


The SPTH form is an important part of Spain’s efforts to protect the health of its citizens and visitors. By completing the form accurately and on time, travelers can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Spain.